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Fix your neck pain from home

Posted on May 25th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

Most of us have experienced that little niggle in our necks when we’ve been working all day. Sitting staring at a computer all day with our shoulders slumped and our heads forward puts a lot of pressure on our necks which often causes discomfort.

The muscles in the arc of the neck become long and weak while the muscles in the front of the neck become tight. Often, a little bit of stretching and strengthening exercises every day can help alleviate that pain.

*Not all neck pain is the same. These recommendations should only be used as guidelines and if they make the neck worse, please do not hesitate to come in for a full body postural and injury assessment and let us help you.

Strengthening Exercises:

These exercises will aim to strengthen the muscles in the back of our necks and top of the back in order to prevent the shoulders from slumping and keeping the head from falling forward.

Isometric Neck Extension:

Sit upright in a chair facing forward. Take one hand and place it on the back of your head. Push your head back and use your hand to resist the movement. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat these 5 times. You should feel the muscles in the back of your neck working.

Neck Retractions:

Sit upright in your chair facing forward. Keeping your head upright, slightly tuck your chin in and gently slide your head backwards toward your spine. It should feel as if you are trying to make a double chin. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Prone Y’s:

Lying face down on the floor with your arms at a 45-degree angle from your head. Turn your arms so your thumbs are pointing to the ceiling. Keeping your forehead on the floor, raise your arms up and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat these 5 times.


Stretching both the front, back and sides of the neck are crucial in preventing neck pain. Stretching the front of the neck will keep your head from leaning forward whereas stretching the back of the neck will keep those muscles nice and loose and preventing stiffness and pain.

Scalene Stretch:

The Scalenes are a group of muscles in the front of the neck. There are 3 Scalene muscles on each side of the front part of your neck. Start by tilting your head back and then tilting it towards either shoulder. The stretch should be felt on the opposite side of the neck. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Trapezius Stretch:

 The upper Trapezius muscle is the muscle you feel at the base of the back of your neck. This muscle often gets tight after sitting for long periods of time with our shoulders hunched over. To stretch this muscle, sit in an upright position, place one arm behind your back. Using the opposite arm, pull the head to the side feeling a stretch on the side of the neck. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Levator Scapulae Stretch:

These muscles often get tight along with the trapezius after long periods of sitting with your shoulders hunched. To stretch this muscle, tilt your head down toward your armpit. Using the arm on the same side your head is tilted to, pull your head gently towards your armpit feeling the stretch in the upper back into the base of the neck. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

If you are struggling with any chronic neck pain or pain that does not subside with these exercises, please contact us to help sort it out before it is too late!

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Quick fix knee rehabilitation

Posted on May 19th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Nicole Harran

Everyone has experienced some type of knee pain or niggle in the knee during their life time. Sometimes it can be serious and other times a little strengthening and stretching of the right muscles can alleviate majority of the pain.

*Not all knee pain is the same. These recommendations should only be used as guidelines and if they make the knee worse, please do not hesitate to come in for a proper assessment and let us help you.

Strengthening exercises:

– These exercises will aim at strengthening the quadriceps muscles (front of the thigh). As these muscles get stronger it takes the pressure off the knee joint and makes the muscles work instead of the joint.

Leg raises

Either sitting as in the picture, against the wall or if this is too challenging- lying on your back. One leg bent and one leg straight. Squeezing the front of the straight leg, lift it up and down keeping the knee locked. Do this without touching the heel 10 times for 3 rounds each leg.

Wall squats

Starting facing the wall, with your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes facing slightly outwards. Hands above your head and placed on the wall. Starting with your toes around 20 cm away from the wall and as the exercise gets easier walk your toes closer to the wall until eventually the toes are touching the wall. In this position, squatting down, pushing you bum back, keep the core tight and knees pointed out towards the baby toes. Keep the weight pushing through the heels.

Wall sit

Starting with your back against the wall, legs out in front of you and core tight. As you lower your bum towards the floor, make sure your knees are at a 90 degree angle and try get the hips to a 90 degree angle. Hold that angle for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until failure. Keep pushing your weight through the heels at all times.

Hip lifts

Laying on your back, knees bent and arms at your sides. Engaging the core before moving by rolling the lower back into the floor. Keep this core position and roll the spine up off the floor (like peeling a sticker off a surface). Roll the spine back down on to the floor in the same manner.


-Stretching the quads is a vital aspect when trying to resolve knee pain. When the quads become too tight, they can pull on the patella (knee cap), which may cause pain or pull over the patella, pushing it into the knee joint causing pain and discomfort.

Quadriceps stretch

Start by lying on your stomach with both legs straight. Using one hand, grab the ankle on the same side of the body (as shown above). Slowly pull the heel towards your glutes as can be tolerated (7/10 pain wise). Pull and hold for around 30 seconds and then release. Repeat 3 to 4 times per side.

Hip flexor stretch

Start by kneeling on the floor, bring one leg in front of you as if in a “lunge position“. Placing a small towel under the knee on the ground might help for comfort (as shown above), pull the ankle of the knee on the floor towards your glutes (stretch should be felt down the front of the leg). As the pain permits- push the hips forward for a deeper stretch.

Glute stretch

Laying on your back, place one ankle over the opposite knee (as shown above). Grab through the gap of your legs and around the other side to grab hold of the back of the leg. Pull the leg in towards the chest – stretch should be felt in the top of your leg into the glute. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 4 times per side.

If you are struggling with any chronic knee pain or pain that does not subside with these exercises, please contact us to help sort your knees out before it is too late!

Exercise for the mature person

Posted on May 4th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

There are many reasons why we tend to slow down and become more sedentary with age. It may be due to health problems, weight or pain issues, worries about falling, or even a chronic condition. But as we grow older, an active lifestyle becomes more important than ever to our health and well-being.

Studies show that physical activity was the number one contributor to longevity, adding extra years to your life. But getting active is not just about adding years to your life, it’s about adding life to your years.

There are many benefits to exercise as we age
  • Maintain or lose weight.  Regular exercise helps increase your metabolism and build muscle mass, helping your body to burn more calories.
  • Prevent and Reduce the impact of illness and chronic disease. People who exercise tend to have improved immune and digestive functioning, better blood pressure and bone density, and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis and certain cancers.
  • Enhance your mobility, flexibility, and balance. 
    Exercise improves your strength, flexibility, and posture, which in turn can help with your balance and coordination.
  • Decreased Risks of Falls. Older adults are at a higher risk of falls, which can prove to be potentially disastrous for maintaining independence. Anything that helps avoid them in the first place is critical.
  • Better Respiratory and Cardiovascular Function. Frequent physical activity lowers the risk of heart disease and reduces blood pressure. It helps make your daily routines smoother and less energy intensive.
  • Increases Bone Density. Exercise protects against bone loss. Higher bone density reduces the risk of osteoporosis and lowers the risk of falls and broken bones.
  • Smoother Activities of Daily Living. Activities that one does not usually consider exercise become more tiring as we age. Exercise will assist in making all of these (sitting and standing, driving, picking up objects, walking up/down stairs etc) that much easier.

Under these COVID-19 times, mental health has been largely affected. More so in the elderly generation as being cautious has created a lonelier environment.


  • Makes You Happier and more Self-confident. Health benefits seniors by releasing endorphins into the brain and reducing depression. Exercise can lighten your mood and create a sense of happiness.
  • Improve your sleep.  Regular activity can help you fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and wake feeling more energetic and refreshed.
  • Improve your brain function. Exercise can aid brain functions as diverse as multitasking and creativity, and help to prevent memory loss, cognitive decline, and dementia.
  • Social Engagement. Maintaining strong social ties is important for aging adults to feel a sense of purpose and avoid feelings of loneliness or depression.

There are 3 Types of Exercise that provide benefit to Seniors:

  1. Aerobic and Endurance Exercises. Cardio and endurance exercise increases the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and remove waste over sustained periods of time. It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes per day.
  2. Strength and Resistance Training. Strength training uses and builds muscles through repetitive motions. Seniors can do strength training with weights, resistance bands, and bodyweight. 2-3 strength/resistance training workouts a week will provide the greatest benefits.
  3. Stretching and Flexibility Exercises. Stretching helps muscles warm up and cool down gradually, improves and maintains flexibility, prevents injury, and reduces muscle soreness and stiffness.
Aerobic and endurance exercise

Strength exercises

Flexibility exercises

A biokineticist is the ideal professional to assist you reach all these benefits. By using scientifically established exercise programmes, we are able to monitor and aid in your reaching your goals.

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Mommy time exercise routine

Posted on April 28th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Nicole Harran

Being a parent is a full time job – how are you supposed to fit in some exercise too now?

Well, we now have a quick and efficient way to workout and not leave your babies unattended!

A few simple movements can land up working your whole body and getting you to burn the necessary calories.

*A little tip for babies safety: to do the following exercises and include your baby, baby should be around 3-4 months and capable of holding their head up on their own.

Cardio workouts for you and your baby:

The following types of cardio are generally a slow steady state type of cardio. This means that fat is your main source of fuel. To carry out the workout your body will utilize your stored fat, aiding in weight-loss.

Performing steady state cardio for around 20 – 30 minutes a day will be highly beneficial for weight-loss and serves many health benefits.

  • Dancing baby: holding you baby while putting some music you enjoy on can land up being a serious workout. With the baby acting as an extra weight and the dancing will be sure to get the heart rate up, it will serve as a whole body workout and so much fun!
  • Walking with baby: whether baby is in a push pram or on you, walking with your baby is a great form of a cardiovascular workout and great bonding time too!
  • Cleaning baby: have a few house hold errands or cleaning to do? Why not tie your tiny tot to your back and let them enjoy the work with you!

Strength exercises:

Doing two to four rounds of around ten to twenty repetitions of each of these exercises will ensure to give you a full body workout! This will help tone and shape you up, getting you to where you want your body!

Weighted lunges: Holding your baby close to your center of gravity, step forward into a lunge position and drop the back knee towards the floor (ensure to keep your core tight and push your weight through your front heel).

Baby weighted lunges

Baby chest presses: Lying on your back, knees bent and baby in arms. Take your little tot from a position of lying on your chest, to pushing them up and straightening your arms. This is a fabulous exercise for your babies core!

Baby weighted chest press

Squats: There are a variety of ways to do this exercise. Having your baby at your chest, on your shoulders of even on the floor in front of you can all work! Bending from the knees, using the glutes, lower back, core and legs, push your weight through your heels and keep those knees out!

Baby at chest squat

Push ups: With your baby either on the floor in front of you or lying on your back (ensure they’re stable and cant roll off)! With your baby in font this becomes a hard workout for mom and a fun game for your little one.

Push up with baby on floor

Plank : Planks can be done with baby on your back or on the floor in front of you. It’s a great core workout! Make sure to not drop your hips and compromise your back!

Planking with baby on floor

Hip lifts:Lying on your back with your legs bent and baba on your hips – slowly and in a controlled manner, lift your hips towards the ceiling (squeezing the glutes)! Return back down and repeat.

Hip lifts with baby

These are just a few exercises to get you moving at home with your baby!

For more exercises or help with getting you back into shape after having your tiny tot, do not hesitate to contact us!

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Exercise for your kids

Posted on April 21st, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Sean Pickup

People all over the world are becoming more aware of how beneficial consistent exercise can be for both their physical and mental well-being. Exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of chronic diseases like hypertension or diabetes while also lowering stress levels, improving mood and helping us become less prone to depression.

We are becoming more reliant on technology which means we are also becoming less active. Inactivity increases the risk of chronic disease in both children and adults.

The benefits of regular exercise in both children and adults include the following:

  • Increased fitness levels
  • Improved posture and balance
  • Less stress on the body
  • Better concentration
  • More regular sleep patterns
  • Improvement in mood
  • Keeping your heart, muscles and bones strong and healthy and promoting healthy development
  • Providing the opportunity to socialise
  • Better self esteem

Make it enjoyable

Making sure a child enjoys the exercise is important as this will encourage them to stick to it.

This enjoyment is highly dependent on the child as some will enjoy team sports over individual exercise or vice versa. Exercise doesn’t always have to be revolved around a sport; playing in the garden with family or riding a bike with friends is more than enough for children to do some exercise that they will enjoy.

Start them young

Children can start engaging in exercise before they can even walk. No, this does not mean making a baby go for a run.
Simple movements such as tummy time, rolling over and reaching for toys is seen as adequate forms of exercise for small children and babies.

Physical activity from such a young age promotes the development of bones, muscles as well as social, cognitive and motor skills and proprioception.

Keep them going

As children get older, their abilities begin to increase. Encouraging children to be active for most parts of the day will greatly improve their overall health.
This exercise can be done through sport or just regular playing on bikes or in parks. If a child has developed a good base of movement skills form a young age, it will greatly improve their balance and coordination as they get older.

Progress as they get older

Children and teenagers should be aiming to do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.

These exercises can range from moderate intensity exercise like walking the dog or riding a bike to more intense exercise like running or taking part in a sport.

Resistance exercise, either body weight or in the gym, will help greatly with bone development as well as overall strength and flexibility.

Children should always be monitored when exercising or playing a sport in order to avoid any unnecessary injury.

For any tips on getting your children active, or any other fitness related questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us.

(NHS, 2013)

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Home-style HIIT workout.

Posted on April 6th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Sean Pickup

“These workouts are designed for individuals that are currently physically active and not for those who are inexperienced in these kind of high intensity exercises. If you are at risk, it is advisable to get clearance from your doctor before engaging in these types of high intensity workouts.”

Bored of always doing the same form of exercise? Don’t feel like going for that early morning lonely run? Why not try something new? Why not try some high intensity cross training?

High intensity cross training is a form of strength and conditioning exercise which is made up of many different functional movements performed at high intensities.

The good news is that you don’t have to join a local gym in order to do these kinds of workouts. You can do it from the comfort of your own home. All you need are every day items lying around your house like a broomstick, water bottles and some sort of chair. Most at home cross training workouts don’t require any kind of equipment at all and instead rely completely on bodyweight movements.

The basic theory behind the workouts done at home is using standard functional movements you would see in the gym like squats, lunges or shoulder press, and doing them at a much higher intensity. Although the weights are light, the high repetitions make the workouts just as difficult.

High intensity cross training workouts are usually prescribed as a lot of exercises performed one after the other and then repeated for a certain number of sets. Some examples of at home workouts are as follows:

Workout 1:

7 Rounds:

7 Burpees
7 Air Squats
7 Push ups
7 Jumping Lunges
7 Crunches

Workout 2:
100 Mountain Climbers
90 Air Squats
80 Jumping Jacks
70 Chair Dips
60 Static Lunges
50 Broom Squat Shoulder Press
40 Russian Twists
30 Push ups
20 Crunches
10 Burpees

Workout 3:

Three 7-Minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)


Push Ups x10
Squat Jumps x15
Crunches x20


Shoulder Taps x20
Mountain Climbers x20
Static Lunges x20


Burpees x10
Bag/Bottle Swings x10
Up Up Down Downs x20

Rest for 2 minutes before starting the next round.

Try and do any of these workouts 2-3 times a week and focus on keeping your form correct in order to avoid injury. Focus on starting slowly and progressing as you feel stronger. As you get fitter, the more you will be able to do, so don’t beat yourself up for not finishing a workout.

For help with injuries attained from high intensity cross training or any guidance on form correction, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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At home stretching

Posted on March 23rd, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Daniel Sauer

Working from home still? Feeling stiff at your desk? Well, there is a simple, quick, and efficient solution: Stretch!

Why should I stretch you may ask? Well, stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.

For example, sitting in a chair all day results in tight hamstrings in the back of the thigh. That can make it harder to extend your leg or straighten your knee all the way, which inhibits walking.

What are the key benefits of daily stretching is often the next question one may ask. Here are just a few of the benefits of adding stretches into your daily routine:

  • Reduces Pain and discomfort
  • Increases one’s flexibility and range of motion.
  • Improves your posture.
  • Decreases your risk of injury or pain.
  • Stress Management
  • Reduces Tension Headaches
  • Increases your blood flow to your muscles.
  • Improves your overall performance in your daily activities.

What stretches can I do daily? [Hold each stretch for 20 Seconds per side; It will only take 6 minutes of your day!]

1. Calf stretch
2. Hamstring stretch
3. Gluteal stretch
4. Hip flexor and quadriceps stretch
5. Back stretch
6. Neck stretch
7. Pectoral stretch

If you need assistance with any stretches or at home workouts contact us now and let us help you.

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Quarantine home workout

Posted on March 11th, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Nicole Harran

Keeping physically active is a very good way to de-stress and keep the immune system going strong. Staying motivated when trying to exercise from home can be the challenging part and so we will send out some programs this month to help you get to where you need to be.

Quarantine Strength training

Starting with a brisk warm-up is always advice to get the blood flowing and muscles warm to prevent any injuries. A 5 min walk around the house, jogging on the spot or some jumping jacks for 3-5 minutes will get that heart pumping and you ready for your workout.

Lower body workout

Upper body workout

Core workout

For any other training or rehabilitation advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have plenty to offer:group sessions, individual sessions, rehabilitation, weight loss, general conditioning and many other training aspects.

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Return to exercise after COVID-19

Posted on March 1st, 2021 by Andries Lodder

By Nicole Harran

As we are all aware COVID-19 is affecting every individual differently and everyone’s return to activity can vary.

The American College of Sports Medicine along with various other institutes have developed guidelines on returning to activity.

The guidelines have been split up into 5 phases.

  1. Phase 1: Preparation for return to exercise.
  2. Phase 2: Low intensity activity.
  3. Phase 3: Moderate intensity aerobic and strength challenge.
  4. Phase 4: Moderate intensity aerobic and strength challenge with co-ordination and functional skills.
  5. Phase 5: Return to regular exercise.
Phase 1:

Breathing exercises, flexibility/stretching , balancing and gentle walking all form part of our baseline return to exercise.

Phase 2:

A somewhat more intense walk, gentle body weight functional exercises and continued stretching and flexibility.

Phase 3:

Brisk walking or any exercise that increases the heart rate. Adding some more resistance training in to your day or sessions.

Phase 4:

Moderate intensity exercises described above. Adding in some progressive functional exercises and light weight training.

Phase 5:

Return to regular physical activity.

If you have had COVID-19 and are struggling with returning to physical activity and daily activities, contact us for help and guidance towards a safe recovery!

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Discovery Vitality Wellness Day – The Campus Bryanston

Posted on February 10th, 2021 by Andries Lodder
