Andries Lodder biokineticist in Fourways
Bio4Me biokineticist practice in Fourways
Bio4Me best biokineticist in Fourways

What is Diabetes?

Posted on January 27th, 2016 by Andries Lodder


Diabetes is a metabolic disease which is marked by high levels of sugar in the blood.  It is either caused by the body producing too little insulin, the cells being resistant to insulin or by both.

Exercise helps in the control of blood glucose levels, because in the absence of insulin, exercise will enhance the uptake of glucose.

Most of the foods that we eat are broken down into glucose, which passes into the bloodstream and is used by the cells for growth and energy.  The glucose in the bloodstream is known as blood sugar. The body attempts to keep this blood sugar level constant for normal body function.

When a person has diabetes one of two things can happen to prevent glucose storage, the pancreas either secretes to little or no insulin or the cells do not respond to the insulin secreted.  This causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream and eventually is passed out of the body in the urine.  This build up of glucose in the blood leads to damage of the small blood vessels. 

Some people may even have pre-diabetes.  These people have blood glucose levels higher than normal but it is not high enough for them to be diagnosed as diabetics. 

Fasting Blood Glucose (mmol/L)


3.9 – 5.5

Normal Glucose Tolerance

5.6 – 6.9





Type 1 Diabetes

  • Marked reduction in the insulin produced, leading to an absolute deficiency of insulin.
  • A person with type 1 diabetes has to take insulin injections or use an insulin pump in order to provide the body with insulin.
  • Most often develops in children and young adults.


Type 2 Diabetes

  • This is the most common form of diabetes and affects about 90 to 95 percent of people.
  • It is associated with obesity, family history of diabetes, physical inactivity, older age and certain ethnicities.
  • They have normal, elevated or reduced insulin levels, but the cells are unable to use the insulin to take up glucose from the blood.

Diabetes cannot be cured.  The short-term goals for treatment are the stabilization of high blood sugar levels.  The long-term treatment goals include the relieving of symptoms, prevention of diabetes-related complications and to prolong life.

People with diabetes should not only keep their blood glucose levels under control, but also their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Benefits of exercise:

  • Controlled Blood Glucose levels
  • Reduced body fat
  • Cardiovascular benefits
  • Reduced stress
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes (if pre-diabetic)

Exercise prescriptions are individualized to meet the person’s medication schedule and severity of any diabetic complication and also to the goals and expected benefits that the exercise program may hold. Always drink adequate amounts of fluids during exercise and always keep a source of rapidly acting carbohydrates available.

If you have any questions about Diabetes, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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New Physio at The Gym

Posted on January 11th, 2016 by Andries Lodder

Debra Ludgater Physio logo


We have a new face here at The Gym, and her name is Debra. 

Debra is a Registered Physiotherapist who has recently relocated to Gauteng from Howick in the KZN Midlands.

She worked as a physio in private practice in Howick and has also been the physiotherapist at Michaelhouse School for the last 17 years.

Debra has a strong interest in sports physiotherapy but also treats people of all ages with physical problems caused by illness, accident or ageing. 

Debra herself is a keen runner and triathlete and has completed 5 Comrades Marathons and numerous triathlons, including a full Ironman.

Debra utilizes skilled hands on physiotherapy including neural tissue mobilisation, myofascial and connective tissue release, triggerpoint therapy and spinal joint mobilisation and manipulation. This hands on therapy is augmented by other modalities such as dry needling, neuropropriceptive taping and electrotherapy (eg, ultrasound / interferential)

For more details on Debra’s practice, please don’t hesitate to contact her. All her details can be found on her webpage. Just click on the link: Debra Ludgater Physiotherapy

Welcome to the family and may your practice just prosper here with us!


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The Otter Challenge with Kevin

Posted on November 24th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

otter logo


Endurance junkie Kevin van Deventer and his running partner Johan Moolman decided earlier this year to do The Otter Challenge which consists of a grueling 42 km with three climbs exceeding 100 meters and a total elevation gain of over 2600 meters. Always sounds good in theory, but when injuries come along, makes things more tough. Kevin tore a calf muscle about 6 weeks before the race, but that didn’t stop him from getting to the starting line. 

Results prologue

He started day 1 with a great prologue to get him in the 1st starting group, just in case the calf plays up again.

race result otter



With a couple of issues along the way, Kevin persevered and finished strong far within the cut off time! Well done Kev, great result! Look forward to hearing your next goals for 2016.

For everyone wanting to see the profile of the challenge, here it is below:



Want to do the race next year, go straight to The Otter here. Let me know how I can help you reach your goals!



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Cape Pioneer Trek with Monica

Posted on November 24th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

cape pioneer logo


Before i even start i have to give a big congrats to Monica Glover and her racing partner Danny Fowler on a great podium finish (3rd overall) in the Open Mixed Category for the Cape Pioneer Trek 2015 last month. After a season full of injuries she had a great finish to the year. I can’t wait for next year! World Champs here we come!



For you guys out there that’s not familiar with the race, below I’ve included a couple more pics with the 7 day race profile that covers 541 km and a total climb of 11 320 m.


course layout

I leave you guys with a little extract from the main website of the Cape Pioneer Trek illustrating the true Pioneer Spirit!

cape pioneer motivational 

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Posted on November 19th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

What is it?

Spondylolysis means spine defect and is the degeneration of the vertebra. This defect occurs mostly in the pars interarticularis of the articular processes of the vertebrae. This defect or crack mostly occurs in lumbar area of the spine, L4 to L5, due to repeated strain.

Spondylolysis has a higher prevalence in children, especially boys, and young athletes than in adults due to the still ongoing development of the spine. In children, the highest prevalence is in the 5 to 7 year age group and in the 11 to 16 year age group as there is a marked increase in activity. Sports which cause hyperextension of the spine will have a higher incidence of spondylolysis.  The site of the fracture is usually on the opposite side to which the activity is being performed.


What causes it?

Spondylolysis can be caused from congenital factors as one can be born with a weakness of the pars interarticularis. It can be cause by trauma or overuse syndrome which results in a stress fracture.


Signs to look out for?

Spondylolysis is often asymptomatic in the morning, but becomes worse with activity. Patients may complain of a continual mild to moderate muscular pain or stiffness across the lower back. This area feels tired and fatigues easily. Pain is aggravated by lumbar extension movements and may have associated spasm of the hamstring muscles. By changing positions often the patient achieves a form of relief from the pain.


What Rehabilitation to do?

 Treatment depends on age and the severity of the injury. Treatment tends to be mostly conservative in nature, especially with spondylolysis. Conservative treatment should always be attempted first. Activity causing the pain should be restricted.

 The prevention and rehabilitation programme provided by your Biokineticist have the same goal – Strengthen the core.

Focus will be on the area of the spine which has become hyper mobile. This area needs to be stabilized. Complexity of the exercises should be increased, not the repetitions. Core exercises should be dynamic. Hamstring and gluteal muscle need to be stretched, while abdominal muscles need to be strengthened. All exercises and stretches must be done in a pain free range of motion.

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20 Second Plank

Posted on November 2nd, 2015 by Andries Lodder

Can you plank for only 20 seconds? How about doing it with 200kg (440 pounds) on your back! Pretty impressive core strength! 


In this video is 16 year old Matthew Myers. He is one of my old patients that popped in last week to train a bit at our facility at The Gym at The Campus during his mid-term break. Watch out for him everyone, remember his name, he is going to be a Springbok real soon!


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Safe and Effective Training for Life and Sport

Posted on October 10th, 2015 by Andries Lodder


Hi guys – Over the years we have realized that there is a big demand for teenagers and young athletes who want to learn how to train safely and effectively!! Derek Archer from IFP (Institute of Fitness Professionals) and myself will be running a workshop on the 7th & 8th of December for the Grade 8 -12s:

* Strength and Conditioning (for sport and life)
* Strength training form and technique
* Program design
* Diet and supplementation
* Agility
* Flexibility

Many parents feel out of control not knowing whether their kids are training the correct way for the goals that they have set themselves – after this workshop they will be equipped to get the best results out of their training whether it be for sports performance or daily health and wellness!!

For more info contact Lee Archer on their contact page 

Below see more details on the Workshop:

Teen workshop-Dec


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Beautiful Sunrise

Posted on October 10th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

Decided to use my Go Pro’s time-lapse feature and record the sunrise at the practice earlier this week. Looks really amazing, but sure if there were more clouds and even some rain, it would have looked even more beautiful! well, seems like I’ll just have to do it again on a better day! We are really all blessed to start our day with a view like this!  

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FIT Duathlon 30th August 2015

Posted on October 10th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

What a great event! Thanks F.I.T for organizing the Duathlon and for Watt Lab SA for the use of the awesome bikes, I can’t wait for the next one!

Here’s a short video with highlights of the event!

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Jean Spies Training

Posted on October 10th, 2015 by Andries Lodder

Dedication and Hard Work! No one epitomizes it more than Jean Spies! Enjoy watching his suffering!

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