Quarantine home workout
Posted on March 11th, 2021 by Andries Lodder
Keeping physically active is a very good way to de-stress and keep the immune system going strong. Staying motivated when trying to exercise from home can be the challenging part and so we will send out some programs this month to help you get to where you need to be.
Quarantine Strength training
Starting with a brisk warm-up is always advice to get the blood flowing and muscles warm to prevent any injuries. A 5 min walk around the house, jogging on the spot or some jumping jacks for 3-5 minutes will get that heart pumping and you ready for your workout.
Lower body workout

- 3 to 5 rounds of the following exercises (hyperlinks are attached to each exercise for demonstrations):
- 10 – 12 x Sit to stands / squats
- 10 x static pulse lunges
- 30sec – 1min wall sit
- 20 x surrenders (10 each side)
- 10 x squat into reverse lunge
- 15 x hip lifts
Upper body workout
- 3 to 5 rounds of (hyperlinks attached to exercise names):
- 10 x push ups
- 10 – 15 x tricep dips
- 20 x up up down downs (10 per side)
- 20 x bear crawls
- 20 x shoulder presses (using either weights/ cans/ water bottles)
- 20 x bicep curls (using either weights/ cans/ water bottles)
- 20 x lateral raises (using either weights/ cans/ water bottles)
Core workout

- 3 to 5 rounds of (Hyperlinks of exercises attached to names):
- 10 x crunches
- 10 x single leg crunches
- 10 x cross-crunches
- 30sec – 1 min plank
- 30 sec side plank each side
- 10 x roll ups
For any other training or rehabilitation advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have plenty to offer:group sessions, individual sessions, rehabilitation, weight loss, general conditioning and many other training aspects.